“Mom, is it ERP time yet?”
Just when you least expect it, but probably when you need it most, it will be that time. It will be… ERP time.
Add 2 Parts BPM and 1 Part Workflow, Add ERP…
Every once in a while, we repeat that old mantra, “ERP is aimed at providing an integrated solution to all business areas of a particular enterprise.” ERP is and presumably, will always be the cornerstone of any self-respecting business or organization. We’ve been living with ERP for nearly as long as we’ve been enjoying music by the Beatles. ERP started bubbling back in the 60s, but the name was only coined in the industry in the 90s.
Watch out World… ERP Is Going Social
Social ERP is fundamentally different than traditional ERP. To even begin to comprehend this new kid on the block, we’ve first got to be clear on two things. Firstly, that we understand what ‘social’ means.
Choosing the Right Software Vendor
Some say it’s like going out and buying a baby carriage a whole nine months before baby is due, let alone, conceived.
The A B C of ERP
There have been numerous pieces, articles and blogs published online, and opinion leaders and techies on either side of that line, who have tirelessly defined and described the numerous advantages of implementing an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software system.
Confessions of an ERP Software Consultant
It’s easy to see how your customization habit began. Your company probably started with their ERP implementation project back in the 1990’s when ERP software packages were missing lots of critical functionality. So you had to customize to fill the gaps.
The customer’s project manager of an ERP implementation is usually a central figure in the organisation. If not, then the project is pretty much doomed.
The Most Scalable, Flexible ERP Solution…
Medatech has been trading in the UK for over 15 years, over those years, we have only sold one IT Software Solution called Priority.