Online Vs Offline Backup: Navigating the Options

When it comes to backup, is cloud or offline – using local physical devices – best? See the advantages and drawbacks of both local backup and cloud backup...

Why CIOs — and their organisations — Need a Chief Data Officer

If you're a CIO, better make room for your new CDO (Chief Data Officer). They're stealing the show in more and more boardrooms worldwide. This is because customer insight from data has become a huge competitive weapon...

How the Channel Can Embrace the Mobile Opportunity

How can the IT Channel help businesses mobilise their workforce? Priority's Efrat Nakibly shares her opinion...

Your ERP project can be improved by… ’80s movie quotes?

What do Ferris Bueller, Darth Vader and James Dalton have to do with implementing an ERP system? Not much, unless you apply some of their more famous movie lines to help make your project a success...

Why flexibility in cloud services is key to ERP success in today’s age

The need for flexibility and near real-time response to changing business processes is essential for an organisation’s core ERP system. So... "every cloud does have a silver lining"...

The Big Data Challange: Addressing the SME Knowledge

Priority Software's VP of Research and Development, Leor Barth, has published his top tips for extracting its business value in ERP News. What are SMEs missing when it comes to big data? Take Leor's advice...

Gartner includes Priority in new Market Guide for Product-Centric Cloud ERP Solutions

Gartner includes Priority in new Market Guide for Product-Centric Cloud ERP Solutions...

Medatech UK February Newsletter

Keep updated with all our latest news and events at Medatech...

Medatech UK December Newsletter

Keep updated with all our latest news and events at Medatech...
