2017 & ERPL Software 2017: The Rise of Enterprise Resource Platform (ERPL)

2016 was a great year for ERP & Medatech; here we grew our staff and customer base by 30%! We saw the rise of ERPL (enterprise resource platform). Cloud hosting became one of the most talked about topics as we all try and get our heads around what it means to be “in the Cloud”. So all in all a good year. Now looking forward, what’s to come from 2017? We think a lot more organisations will see the value in leaving old legacy systems that don’t conform to your business processes and we hope to see a decrease in the number of spreadsheet businesses. 2017: The Rise of Enterprise Resource Platform (ERPL)

2017: Is it your turn to switch to ERPL?

Have you been running your organisation for years on a system that doesn’t help your business? This, in short, costs you shed loads each year in maintenance and updates and costs time where staff are not clued up. If you haven’t got an ERP system already in place, you’ll be way behind many of your competitors! Why? If you haven’t got a software in place, I can only believe you are currently running your business on spreadsheets… It’s 2017. Now is the time to invest in your businesses future. Spreadsheets can cause more harm than good in some cases. It’s all very well and good when you’re a small business, as it’s a system of first choice when just starting out and can just about do the job. However, everything changes when your business grows, matures and becomes more successful. So much more data is generated so creating and recording data is a more time-consuming and error-prone task. Human errors litter your spreadsheets. It becomes difficult to report on your business performance throughout the year as the sheets get busier and busier.  Spreadsheets create isolation from the rest of the enterprise, which then makes collaboration a challenge. Data can’t easily be entered automatically into the system and even when it is, it is almost impossible to prevent and avoid data being duplicated.  Ask yourself why are you doing this to your staff and business? Is this really saving me money on software or am I paying out in more staff and time needed? All of these issues are like myths to those with an ERPL system in place as they never need to be considered and they couldn’t imagine living in a world where precious time is wasted amending data, where the file is only accessible to one person at a time. Not to mention the potential risk of file corruption which could mess everything up and set you back years. Bring everything together and streamline processes with one fully integrated system that provides traceability, audit trail and comprehensive insights into all business data.

Part integrated systems (sometimes called Best of Breed), are also something we see a lot of these days as vendors offer better packages but not with the full business functionality required. This sounds like a great idea as they can be cheaper than a fully integrated ERPL. However, they can set you back in terms of reporting, the flow of information & costs. If you’re going for SaaS you never own the software, you will always need to pay to access your own business information. More to the point how many IT guys do you want to hire? Someone has to maintain all of these different systems and check for updates, etc. This isn’t a cheap option anymore, not when you need a package for sales, marketing, finance, production and many more departments.

You don’t need to be a multi-national organisation to use ERPL. Priority is the first solution designated ERPL, one of the most flexible packages on the market today, boasting multiple hosting & costing options. Priority provides you with the tools to map the future growth of your business. Who wouldn’t want that?  2017: The Rise of Enterprise Resource Platform (ERPL)

2017: The year we all grew to understand our business processes

If you are thinking about ERPL this year, you must do one massively important task before you start looking. Get to know your business processes & where you want to see improvements, take the time to understand your needs and how your company works. Then assign someone to gather all of this information and distribute to staff, ask for their thoughts, feedback and improvements. Having staff on board with the ERPL selection process makes for a much easier transition when the software goes live. It also ensures that all staff software requirements are met in the initial go live, and bespoke developments don’t creep up as an unexpected cost. This should hopefully set you up for a smooth project, where both software vendor and client are in the know about how they envisage the end result.

2017: Lastly, Experience

Knowledge is everything. If you have never implemented an ERPL project, your first one is likely to be a rollercoaster of emotions, long days and finally, success. It is a good idea to look at your staff’s skill sets and make 1 or 2 people the experts internally on the new software; they can then go on to train other staff members saving you future training costs.

At Medatech each new project is assigned a project manager, who is an expert in Priority ERPL and can really get the most out of your system. Priority is one of the best ERPL packages on the market to date, it is a mature product that has been developed for over thirty years to reach a market leading level of functionality. This means that customers are secure in the knowledge that as their business grows, Priority has the breadth of functionality to grow with them. Medatech has over 15 years in implementing, developing and streamlining businesses all across the UK. We have seen incredible growth over the last 2 years as organisations are waking up to the idea of one package that does everything, which can be easily maintained internally. We are the only Gold Partners of Priority ERP. Help us help you, get in contact today and see what Priority can do for your organisation.

2017 is the year of software advancements, and ERPL is no exception.

2017: The Rise of Enterprise Resource Platform (ERPL)



2017: The Rise of Enterprise Resource Platform (ERPL)

2017: The Rise of Enterprise Resource Platform (ERPL)

2017: The Rise of Enterprise ResourcePlatform (ERPL)

2017: The Rise of Enterprise Resource Platform (ERPL)