“It takes one to know one.” I’m beginning to think that this applies to everything else in my life, except, of course,ERP. But when aspiring to write this post, I figured, why not take advice from a guy who knows? So here it goes.
If you’re considering buying new enterprise software or upgrading your ERP system, you’ve probably heard some pretty horrifying stats.
A recent survey* by research firm Panorama Consulting Solutions showed that while organizations continue to experience significant budget overruns, their average implementation cost decreased from $4.5 million last year to $3.8 million this year. And yet, there has been no other time in history when we’ve had so many enterprise software options. Niche, best-of-breed, two-tier, the list goes on and on. It’s a treasure trove of fun and functionality, models and modules, clogging airwaves and boggling minds.